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Some travellers idea of the perfect holiday is to stay in hotels and book expensive tours that will show you the basic beauty that one town has to offer... I am not one of those people. In saying that there is nothing wrong with travelling this way as it is definitely great for those who just want to relax and have it all planned out for them, each to their own! But in my case, I enjoy not really having a plan, and discovering the beauty of a place through the eyes of a local - that way you stumble upon pretty incredible things that a map cannot direct you to. As some of you may know there is a website called couch surfing, which is a recourse that travellers can refer to for free accommodation. The idea is to make networks around the world with like-minded people who give you the chance to live like a local - with the given that you return the favor when they come to your country. Networking this way is an incredible idea where you can meet pretty incredible people, and stumble upon rare opportunities.


So I’m putting the word out there to everyone in this big wide world if you or someone you know has a couch that needs company for a night or two, anywhere in the world - It would be so greatly appreciated! 

Link them to my website and send me a message in the box below or write a comment in the box on the left. I will give you a big hug, and would love for you or them to be apart of the travels.  

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"Emma Frances - Peculiar Love (uke version)"

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