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TRACK ONE: Winter blues
Written in Santa Cruz in 2012




TRACK TWO: These walls
Written in 2006 when I was 14

I wrote my first song "These Walls" at the age of 14. Being to shy to even play in front of my family, I cruised along the early years of High School writing songs that only my dog and maybe the fly on the wall that day heard. As my confidence flourished so did my travelling boots. I took off on separate occasions backpacking around the world, where I met so many beautiful souls who allowed me to express myself through music and share my stories by playing in bars, dorm rooms, tents and around camp fires on the beach. All these adventures found a way into my heart and inspired me to convert my stories into songs. Now based in Melbourne at 21, I am releasing my first EP in March that consists of songs written when I was 14 up to the age of 21. There is no simple way to put it. I write what I feel and I create stories that are close to my heart. I don't write with the intention that you must love it, but I write with the intention of wanting to share and for you to understand my stories.

TRACK THREE: Peculiar Love

Written in 2006, when I was 14.

TRACK FOUR: Prowln' Days

Written in 2010

Written in 2013

TRACK SIX: Gypsies Child

Written in Paris in 2010

Whilst getting my mind ready to come home to Australia after spending 2 months traveling around Europe, my last stop was of course Paris. I had one night only, to experience the true french way of living, jamming all the magnificent monuments the city has to offer, I found my self staring into the one thing I dreamt about seeing as a young girl... The Eiffel Tower.

Not long after my amazement towards the beautiful atmosphere of the city, I got harassed by two young gypsy girls. They were trying to play tricks towards me for my money and pointed their sorrow eyes towards my guilty look.

In my disgust of how young they were and their way of life, they confidently strolled away giggling and getting ready to target their next vulnerable person.

I turned back to the Eiffel tower, searching for some sense to what I had just witnessed, where this younger, hopeful gypsy had caught my eyes, who shamefully walked behind these two other girls. She was different, she was sad, but not a sorrow sad.

I strolled back to my hotel, pondering on the thought of myself as this young women, being brought up into a family with such or rather little morals. Being forced to live the gypsy life whilst having no inspiration for them to create their own dreams. After roaming the streets I finally got to my hotel room, sat by my lonesome self digesting everything I had just witnessed and wrote this song.

I do not know her name, or where she is at this specific moment, nor know what her life shall be like when she is older but this young Gypsies daughter was my inspiration to my next song 'Gypsies Child' - A girl walking in the shadow of her family name.

"Emma Frances - Peculiar Love (uke version)"

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